Sparse clouds mirrored in a sunlit peak

The highest points of the Gibraltar Rock State Natural Area of Lodi, WI, taken during the same outing as We Complete the Circle and Tree of Man.

Despite my intention of elevating shared company above the sweeping view in We Complete the Circle, I found this scene shortly after, and couldn’t help but celebrate the view in its entirety. Revelers crossed the distant peak and voiced their triumph while I pursued my craft alone, and I quickly appreciated the fun they were having. The longer I waited, the more easily I saw my thread of connection with that jubilant group mirrored in the juniper tree above the peak and its brethren reaching from below, in the proud stone peak seeming as full of clouds as the sky above. One could write these pairings off as imaginary, but the foreground peak’s imitation of the skyline’s form offered me a greater truth.

I recorded this scene and gave thanks for the unity I had been shown, and began my departure. I still had some film at my disposal, but was content to simply admire the winding path down.

Minolta XD 11
Minolta 17mm MD W.Rokkor-X f/4
Fuji Neopan Acros II – ISO 100